Siam Goshi Manufacturing Co., Ltd. : Aiming to be World’s Best Manufacturer of Exhaust and Body Parts for Motorcycles.
World's Best Manufacturer of Exhaust and Body Parts for Motorcycles.

Environmental Initiatives

Through GOSHI’s Sustainability Policy, Siam Goshi has introduced environmental management systems at all business activities, with recognizes that environmental issues such as climate change and energy issues.

As a step toward to this initiative, The company working to the annual policy of safety, occupational health, working environment and environment. In addition, There is more than one approach to also project, campaign and CSR activities expand into our associates took part as supporting volunteers.


At SGM, we make full use of the company's organization under the direction of the board of director with SGM’s formal committees hold discussions on sustainability management, clarify the responsibilities of each person and maintain an associate training matrix for environmental requirements. We strive the effective utilization of resources are priority challenges in the environmental impact of zero with International Organization for Standardization (including ISO 45001 and ISO 14001).

Formulates and promotes specific annual plans toward each goal for identify and correct situations or activities that could cause environmental harm, to minimize impact and take action to protect and preserve the natural environment including air, water and land.

Concepts for achieving environmental neutrality reflects our commitment to taking action

Carbon Neutrality
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Resource Circulation
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Clean Energy
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Carbon Neutrality
"Carbon Neutrality" is achieved by calculating a carbon footprint and reducing it to zero "Net Zero Emissions" through a combination of efficiency measures in-house and supporting external emission reduction projects.

SGM is striving toward its goal of carbon neutrality and net-zero CO2 emissions in each phase of its corporate activity, that manufacturing operations to pursuing its target of achieving realize carbon neutrality across all products and corporate activities.

In addition, with our CSR activity for increase in forest area and sustainable forest management according to the principles of sustainable could to help absorb more CO2 through, that impact to support a green recovery and a transition to carbon-neutral economies, its important in the fight against climate change and how we manage forest ecosystems for future generations by the belief that society in which people coexist with nature.

Resource Circulation
"Resource Circulation" is one in which people and manufacturing work together to minimize the amount of wastes generated and maximize the reuse or recycling of wastes as new products or energy.

Recognizing the importance of resource circulation to not only prevent resource depletion, SGM will contribute to the development of a circular economy in which products and raw materials through product initiatives with environmentally friendly product development, and at the same time products and raw materials disposed of during production and consumption are also recycled. These along with the realization of a circulating society by promoting the sustainable use of resources through resource conservation, 3R activities, zero waste emissions, and the preservation of water resources.

We strive promoting the use of sustainable resources through Waste reduction based on recycling-oriented society such as the management layout of the wastewater conveyance and collection systems to wastewater treatment process used to recover and recycle water.

In addition, we are also committed to chemicals management and reduction of chemical substances in production activities concretely as well.

Clean Energy
"Clean Energy", We initiative to improve the use of renewable energy and cut down energy waste for expand to various operational areas, and to continues to promote the use of clean energy, the company has plans to move toward using clean energy or the solar cell system in the future.

Over a third of all greenhouse gas emissions come from generating energy, the largest contribution from any sector of the economy. Having a Clean energy policy to support green power alternatives like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.

While committed to operating and investing in manufacturing plants, we strive to enhance our business to fulfill providing clean energy and renewable alternatives in all these areas and technologies is necessary and cheaper in the long run. For this reason, we will to make plans investments early in order to drive challenge change.

" As a responsible member of society whose task lies in the preservation of the global environment, the Company will constantly assessing social trends to understand the definition of environment sustainability in each phase of its corporate activity, and aware of other goes far beyond environmental concerns focuses on take action to do proactively staying ahead of the times. We will promote initiatives to cope with climate change, which serves as contribute coexist in harmony with natures to meet strongly promoting global environmental improvement activities.

We will promote initiatives to cope with climate change, which serves as contribute coexist in harmony with natures to meet strongly promoting global environmental improvement activities. "